Category Archives: Events

Information about events organised by HGA

2024 Tri-Nut Conference 18 to 20 October 2024, Wangaratta VIC

Trinut Conference logo

Every second year Hazelnut Growers of Australia Inc (HGA) joins with the Australian Walnut Industry Association Inc (AWIA) and Chestnuts Australia Inc (CAI) to hold the Tri-nut Conference.

The 2024 conference will be held on 18-20 October in Wangaratta, Victoria.

Venue: Quality Hotel Gateway, Wangaratta, Victoria

Now seeking expressions of interest for conference sponsorship. Please email conference coordinator Trevor Ranford at to find out more.

Conference registrations open shortly.

2024 Tri-nut Conference included as part of National Horticulture Roadshow

The National Farmers’ Federation (NFF) Horticulture Council has selected the Hazelnut Growers of Australia Inc as one of the 20 successful applicants for the National Horticulture Roadshow grant program.

This means the Tri-nut Conference will be part of the ‘roadshow’ of sponsored events which aim to foster community engagement, promote sustainable practices and showcase innovation within the horticulture industry.

Funded by the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry and delivered by the NFF Horticulture Council, this initiative funds and promote a series of exceptional industry events across the country, driving innovation and community engagement.

HGA thanks the department and the NFF for their support.

Preliminary program

Friday 18 October

Individual Industry workshops – 9:00 am to 12 noon
Conference – 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm
Annual General Meeting – 3:30 pm to 5:30 pm
Welcome Function

Saturday 19 October

Conference – all day
Conference Dinner

Sunday 20 October

Orchard visits
Other places of interest

Find accommodation in Wangaratta

See information about past Hazelnut and Tri-Nut Conferences.

Nut Industry Spring Symposium

In place of the Tri-Nut Conference, a nut industry spring symposium will be held in Moama, NSW on Friday 9 September and Saturday 10 September 2022.

The packed program features an industry dinner on the Friday night, full schedule of speakers on the Saturday including a delegation representing the Indian nut industry, and optional farm walk on the Sunday.

For the full program and registration details, see our events page.