A glass bowl of assorted nuts against a pink backdrop

Celebrate Nut Day (22 Oct) with handful of nuts

Thursday 22 October is Nut Day, an opportunity for us to remind all Australians that a handful of nuts could save your life.

Just a handful (28g) of nuts each day could dramatically cut your risk of potentially-fatal conditions, like heart disease and cancer.

An in-depth research review, which combined the findings of 20 good-quality studies, shows that people who ate 28g of nuts a day had a 22 per cent reduced risk of dying early, compared with people who almost never ate nuts.

Researchers suggest the disease-fighting effect of nuts is likely due to the unique nutrients and bioactive compounds they contain.

A recent Australian review found just two per cent of Australian adults were eating the recommended 30g of nuts a day.

So celebrate this Nut Day by having a handful of nuts, and making it a life-long habit – for a long life.

You can read more about the health benefit of hazelnuts on our consumers page, or on the Nuts4Life website.

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