For Consumers

"Hazelnuts: Aussies eat 3,200 tonnes a year. Small Australian industry, with most imported. Did you know? Hazelnut skins are rich in fibre and antioxidants? The skin contains 7-8 x more antioxidants than dark chocolate. We love them as snacks with chocolate, berries and in baking. Hazelnuts contain folate, antioxidants, plant protein, healthy fats, thiamine, vitamin B6, low sodium, fibre, vitamin E, copper, manganese and potassium. Enjoy a healthy handful of nuts a day. 20 hazelnuts make up a healthy handful (30g).

Image courtesy of Nuts for Life.

Australian-grown hazelnuts are fresh and of excellent quality, free from chemical residues and microbial contamination. Other commercial hazelnuts are largely imported from Turkey, US and Spain and have undergone variable lengths of storage and transport reducing their freshness, quality and taste. Australian hazelnuts have a great crunchy taste when raw or roasted and they are so healthy for you.

Recipes to up your hazelnut game

More info on the health benefits of eating hazelnuts

Nuts for Life is a great resource for nut lovers and the health conscious.

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