What do HGA members get?
- Hazelnut Growers Handbook USB version, the recently updated handbook, written by Lester Snare, NSW DII. The USB also contains the final report of Hazelnut Variety Evaluation for South-Eastern Australia, by Basil Baldwin; Identifying Clonal Material – Basil Baldwin, and Pest and Disease Analysis for Hazelnuts – Lester Snare. (upon joining HGA for the first time)
- discounted HGA annual conference attendance fees
- the Australian Nut Industry Council‘s quarterly journal, “The Australian Nut Grower”
- seasonal issues of the HGA Newsletter, which contains topical articles and advice contributed by growers and experts
- access to the contributors section of the website of Nuts for Life.
- access to information and resources by email and through the HGA’s members-only section on the official Hazelnut Growers of Australia website.
- free advertising in the business directory on the official Hazelnut Growers of Australia website.
What does HGA do for you?
- Apply on behalf of the industry for minor use permits for farm chemicals – herbicides and pesticides to enable them to be used on hazelnut crops
- Make submissions to government and industry bodies on key policies affecting the hazelnut industry – such as biosecurity
- Influence, contribute and understand Australian nut industry issues through membership of the Australian Nut Industry Council (ANIC)
- Run events including an annual conference, farm walks and seminars.
What does it cost?
* Full Member (50 or more trees) $209.00 inc GST
* Associate Member (0 to 50 trees) $154.00 inc GST
If you have a membership with another Australian Tree Nut industry and already receive the Nutgrower, please write to the Secretary for a fee discount detailing the other membership.
HGA welcomes organisations/individuals who wish to support the industry, such as researchers, consultants, machinery companies, horticultural companies and those looking to gather information about starting a new orchard to become Associate members.
How to join
- Preferred method: Join online and pay by direct debit or by sending a cheque.
OR - Fill out the membership form, then e-mail or post the completed form to the HGA Secretary (details below) with advice of direct deposit, cheque or money order.
Hazelnut Growers of Australia Inc.
232 Dingley Dell Road
Thorpdale South VIC 3824
Email: secretary@hazelnutgrowersaustralia.org.au.
Phone: 0407 055 773
Membership renewal
Current members will be sent a renewal tax invoice with payment instructions.