Web Site
HGA’s updated web site is a long awaited and great improvement, including not only a privilege section for Financial Members only but Facebook as well. The Members Only section is password protected. Webmaster, Carol Bracken, said the password will be changed every year and emailed to members. The Members only section contains a lot of valuable information with a lot more underway – so ensure you renew your HGA subscription early in the new Financial Year.
Farm Walks
State representative Colin Carter has been actively holding farm walks in Victoria. A farm walk is planned for Tasmania in July, organized by Tasmanian representative Matthew Smithies. The position of State Representative for NSW is vacant, so Clem and I are organizing a Farm Walk on Saturday June 22 in Mudgee. Details have been emailed to members.
Fifty percent of HGA members responded to the Survey in March. A Report has been prepared by Darren Bagueley.
Communications Project Officer
Trevor Ranford has made progress on several technical bulletins – including a very detailed compilation of Australian and international information on Bacterial Blight, Borers, and a calendar style poster showing annual operations in the Hazelnut Year. He has also developed BioSecurity information and plan for the hazelnut industry, and will run a workshop on developing individual Farm BioSecurity Plans at a workshop on Monday October 14 following the Annual Conference in Myrtleford. Trevor’s experience of other nut and horticultural industries and interrelationships with government authorities is useful. HGA has succeeded in gaining funds to employ Trevor on a part time basis for another year.
Annual General Meeting
A number of positions on the Board will become vacant at the Annual General Meeting to be held at 9 am on Saturday 13 October at the Savoy Club, Myrtleford, NE Victoria. Darren Bagueley is taking over from me as HGA director on ANIC and will not seek reelection as Secretary. I am also not seeking election as President.
Annual Conference
The conference theme, ‘Protecting the Investment’, spans BioSecurity, emerging pests and control, financial planning and grower forums. Accommodation in the Ovens Valley during Spring can be scarce, so I encourage you to book your hotel, motel or cabin early to avoid disappointment. Details will be posted on HGA website www.hazelnuts.org.au.
Vanessa Cox