Nut sales
Hogg’s Hazelnuts
Hogg’s Hazelnuts
Peelwood NSW
P: 0419 474 623 E:
Hogg’s Hazelnuts is a quality hazelnut grower.
Fourjay Farms
Jean and Basil Baldwin
P O Box 2424, Orange NSW 2800
P: 02 6366 5131 F: 02 6366 5230 E:
Fourjay Farms is a family business growing hazelnuts at Forest Reefs, south of Orange, NSW. Our original planting started in a small way in 1991 with later and more recent orchard developments expanding our orchard size to 4,800 trees over 2 properties.
Paul and Jenny McNamara
Paul and Jenny McNamara
Wayne & Lisa Johnston
Wayne & Lisa Johnston
Meander, Tasmania
Christopher and Jan Deane
Christopher and Jan Deane
Sally Robbins and Mick Simpson
Sally Robbins and Mick Simpson
South Australia
Claudio Sella
Claudio Sella
Harkers Creek Hazelnuts
Kristin & Sam Beggs
PO Box 22
Mitta Mitta Victoria 3701
M: 0437 599 911 E:
Instagram: harkers_creek_hazelnuts
Facebook: @harkerscreekhazelnuts
A&B Hazelnut Trees
Astrid & Barry Edwards
2654 Lue Road, Lue NSW 2850
P: 02 63736474 E:
Quality Barcelona or Tonda di Giffoni whips with appropriate polliniser varieties, available mid-winter as small or large orders.
Fourjay Farms
Jean and Basil Baldwin
P O Box 2424, Orange NSW 2800
P: 02 6366 5131 F: 02 6366 5230 E:
Fourjay Farms is a family business growing hazelnuts at Forest Reefs, south of Orange, NSW. Our original planting started in a small way in 1991 with later and more recent orchard developments expanding our orchard size to 4,800 trees over 2 properties.
Hazelnut Nursery Propagators
Colin and Nathan Carter
Trufficulture Pty Ltd
PO Box 364
P: (03) 5968 1092 W: E:
Growing and supplying hazelnut trees to the developing Australian and southern hemisphere hazelnut industries. Producing 11 varieties of hazelnuts developed by OSU we are the largest nursery of our type in Australia. Whether you’re considering becoming a commercial grower, or you’re just a hobbyist wanting to plant a few trees in a home orchard, we can help you.
Also suppliers of truffle inoculated hazelnuts. For more info on truffles please visit our truffle website
Hazelbrook Farm Nursery Pty Ltd
John and Karen Wheatley
P O Box 219 Penguin TAS 7316
P: (03) 6437 2072 M: 0418 144 296 E:
Hoggs Hazelnuts Nursery
Ben and Sallianne Faulkner
Website under construction.
Launching a new hazelnut whip nursery from Central Tablelands in NSW, Ben and Sallianne Faulkner have been interested and involved in the hazelnut industry and members of HGA since 2010. Hoggs Hazelnuts, at Faulknwood has an establishing hazelnut grove with close to 1000 trees and a new nursery, transplanted successfully from Mudgee, of over 1500 mother plants.
Ben said “ The nursery trees are in excellent health and growth and we are looking forward to July 2022 when we can supply the market.”
All enquiries welcome and the new website with pricing, availability, order form and grove planning guidance is on the near horizon.
Contract harvesting
Contract Harvester Service
John Sharp
P: 02 6364 3090 M: 0429 482936 E:
An experienced orchard contractor seeks expressions of interest from hazelnut growers in Central West NSW for the provision of a contract harvest service, using a mechanically driven, low impact, front tractor mounted nut harvester, Super Jolly 2800. Two harvests in commercial groves in the Orange Region resulted in fast harvest speeds, efficient nut pick up (95%), reduced dust and soil disturbance, cleaner nuts, lower harvest cost and reduced post harvest sorting of nuts from debris. Please provide your locality, number of trees, yield/ha or year expected to come into bearing.